July 19, 2015

Arguments Against Obama's Cuba Embargo Lift Order: A compilation

Arguments Against Obama's Cuba Embargo Lift Order: A compilation
If trade leads to freedom, why did this not apply in South Africa, which resulted in the opposite?

Trade does not create freedom. It is freedom that creates trade. The negotiation should have been: Do you want some trade? Give some freedom.

Ask those in Hong Kong if freedom is growing or shrinking. And the Chinese have trade worldwide.

The food grown in Central and South America is much less expensive than Idaho potatoes, Iowa rice, and Texas beef. Cubans can not afford to do business with the US unless they are subsidized with money from American taxpayers.

Obama, when trade does not bring freedom to Cuba, what will be your executive plan B? I have not heard of a possible reverse.

Can anyone name one example in which a totalitarian society has been liberated due to trade with civilized nations? The USSR? The People's Republic of China? Nazi Germany? Fascist Italy?

What Obama has done is equivalent to having increased trade with the Deep South to try to eliminate slavery in the United States.

To normalize trade with US, all the Cuban government needed to do was to allow freedom. If they have not done it in 50 years, why would they do it when they have more money?

Obama said Cuba has been isolated. That's not true, the US trade embargo was not honored by any other country. Cuba has not been isolated.

England and Germany were each others' most important trading partners before the First World War. Marx was wrong, the economy never triumphs over politics. Never.

Trade with Cuba will institutionalize a Chinese form of government with a kleptocratic elite.

How long will it be before American companies begin to help develop the oil industry off the coast of Cuba?

Cuba is a totalitarian state who knows that "capitalism" can be used to aid and direct its growth, but the beneficiaries will be their leaders. For the people ... some crumbs.

So the idea is that the opening of Cuba to trade with the USA will educate the Cuban people, and then they'll get up and defeat their oppressors? The lack of "stuff" is not what prevented that from happening, but terror.

As the US has already made all the concessions for nothing, hence hereinafter Castroism will have no need to loosen their control.

Do you think the current Cuban leaders will allow more wealth to flow into the hands of the Cuban people to finance an insurrection? That sort of thing only happens in the fantasies of academics.

What will provide the Cubans in this trade? Sugar cane? Cigars? Americans do not want to gain weight and the left has made smoking to be a kind of leprosy.

Will cell phones and Twitter allow people to organize to effect change? Alan Gross was arrested for distributing cell phones.

The USA is the only country in the world that has maintained the embargo. And Cuba has continued to export terrorism to South America. That will not change.

Why give up now? The embargo against Cuba is not a burden for us North Americans. The economies of the benefactors of Cuba, Russia, and Venezuela are on the ropes. The Castro brothers will die shortly and their estate plan has not been tested. Why legitimize a regime and bolster an economy in crisis when the target is on the horizon?

Trade with China has done much to open that communist dictatorship to freedom ... But seriously: what the "opening" to China has done is to help create a strategic, unstable, and unreliable adversary through exporting industry and American technology to a totalitarian autocracy who threatens world peace and security, and has 1.6 billion people.

Why now? Fidel is 88 years old and Raul is 83. Russia's support vanished and Venezuela cannot maintain them. The balance was leaning on the side of capitalism and freedom. Could we not wait a few more years?

We continue to learn what Obama meant when he said he would have more flexibility after the 2012 elections.

Will the Castros return to the Cuban exiles what was stolen?

Will the Red Cross now be allowed to visit political prisoners in Cuba?



This article has been translated from the original Spanish article:
Argumentos contra la orden ejecutiva de Obama: Una recopilación by The Republicano
Image Credit: Official White House Photo by Pete Souza

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