July 10, 2015

Cuban Embargo Demonstrates U.S. Solidarity with Cuban People

These quotes are taken from a statement by the U.S. House Committee on Foreign Affairs. These U.S. lawmakers defend the U.S. embargo of Cuba.

U.S. Rep. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL):
"The embargo will remain in place until free, fair and transparent elections are scheduled, political prisoners are released, and freedom of expression and the press are established."

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart (R-FL):
"As the regime murders political prisoners, intensifies its repression, and holds an American citizen hostage, the Obama Administration continues to insist on unilateral concessions to the Castro terrorist regime."

Rep. Albio Sires (D-NJ):
"Over the last few years, the United States has offered several concessions to the Cuban regime, but the Castro brothers have only responded with intensified repression of the Cuban people. Today, Cubans are suffering more than ever at the hands of the Castros. The sanctions on Cuba must and will remain until the regime allows the Cuban people the freedoms and rights that each and every person deserves."

Rep. David Rivera (R-FL):
"... we see a continuing need for full enforcement of the embargo and other sanctions until free elections, civil liberties and democracy are returned to the Cuban people."



Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, "Fifty Years Later, Cuban Embargo Demonstrates US Solidarity with Cuban People," www.foreignaffairs.house.gov, Feb. 7, 2012

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