March 15, 2016

Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders, And The Rise Of The Middle Class

Problem Of The Middle Class
The middle class of America hasn't gotten a raise in over 15 years. After being taxed into near-poverty, they don't qualify for the benefits which their neighbors get. With the high cost of living, the middle class can't afford the inflated price of health insurance (inflated by ObamaCare itself). After paying their "Individual Mandate" (ObamaCare penalty fee), middle class families can't afford to see a doctor.

Some would argue that these 7+ years of President Obama's administration have helped the poor of America. Many previously-poor people are now doing a lot better. The poor have free, or low-cost, health care while many in the middle class do not qualify (and so use WebMD as a doctor). The refrigerators of the poor are full, thanks to food stamps, while middle class families shop for groceries on strict budgets. The poor take vacations with their income tax refunds, while middle class families are lucky if they get a tax refund large enough for a decent batch of groceries.

The main stream media (and by extension, Democrat politicians) like to mock this idea that the middle class is doing worse than the poor, but millions of middle class families live this truth every day. While the lives of the poor may have improved under President Obama, the middle class is doing worse that it was in 1989.

This makes sense when you consider that the bulk of government benefits are paid for by the sweat of the middle class. America is a compassionate country, and most Americans are compassionate. The middle class has accepted, for many decades, helping the American poor. And many, perhaps most, Americans have either been poor, descended from poor ancestors, or have had poor loved ones. Most Americans, if not all, have no beef with helping the poor.

But now the middle class is supposed to be okay with the idea of illegal people piggybacking on the backs of the middle class. Asking the middle class to pay for those who break border laws (while many Americans have loved ones behind bars paying for their own crimes) is crossing the line.

This isn't about racism. It's about money. You don't shop for toys when you don't have money. You don't walk up to the cash register and say to the cashier (who makes minimum wage and has two children at home, waiting for dinner), "I'm taking this but I can't pay. Pay for me or you're racist."

Middle class families are fed up. They are struggling, dwindling in number, and disillusioned by the reality that their children will have even less opportunity and lower wages. They know that the American Dream is dead to middle class Americans, and no amount of propaganda soothes that disillusionment.

Both political parties have failed the middle class of America. The DC establishment has failed the middle class of America.

Enter Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump. Bernie Sanders recently joined the Democrat Party, and Donald Trump recently joined the Republican Party.

Some say that Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton offer the same things, but this isn't so. The middle class isn't wooed by Hillary Clinton's inspiration of the poor. Hillary Clinton inspires the poor with promises of more government benefits paid for with middle class taxes. Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders has nothing to offer the poor. Bernie offers free college, which in no way attracts the poor since they've already had free college for years. No, Bernie's offer of free college attracts the middle class who are heartbroken that their children don't qualify for free college while their neighbors do. Never mind that it's middle class taxpayers that will foot the bill for this. The struggling middle class already pays taxes for everyone else's benefits, why not get free college in return? This is a very attractive offer for the middle class.

Bernie Sanders is not really an outsider to the DC establishment. He's been a politician for 35 years and has been sitting in Washington, DC for the last 26 years. However, he offers inspiration to the middle class, which makes him an outsider.

Donald Trump, like Bernie Sanders, is inspiring the middle class. He offers the hope of more stable jobs with higher wages for those millions who rely on these jobs because they don't qualify for government benefits. He offers hope to working class Americans who haven't gotten a raise in over a decade. He offers the hope of tax relief to middle class workers who know they're paying for illegal immigrant benefits. He offers the hope of safer neighborhoods to millions of Americans living among dangerous criminals. (See a detailed list of offenses, including homicide and sexual assault, performed by illegal immigrants whom President Obama pardoned and released to live among us, but not in HIS neighborhood.)

The dishonest media can spin this any way they want, but they do not live in middle class neighborhoods. Millions of Americans in middle class neighborhoods live side-by-side with illegal immigrants. They don't need to be lectured by the media on what they live and see every day.

Middle class Americans know that the cost of living will continue to rise, as opportunities for Americans will decline, unless they elect a champion for the middle class.

The poor have had their 8-year turn under President Obama. It's now time for the middle class to rise.

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