March 30, 2016

Today's Democratic Party Promotes Racism, Discrimination, and Unfairness

Democratic Party Promotes Racism, Discrimination, and Unfairness
Cartoon by by Rob Smith, Jr.

The Democratic Party's platform is thoroughly racist, bigoted, and close-minded. In a Democrat’s mind, a black person cannot have conservative values. In a Democrat’s mind, a Hispanic-American can’t believe in American Exceptionalism like an Irish-American can. In a Democrat’s mind, a lesbian can’t be pro-life on the issue of abortion. In a Democrat’s mind, Muslim mothers in America can’t want closed borders for the safety of their children. In a Democrat’s mind, Mexican-Americans can’t possibly want a wall along our southern border to protect their families (by the way, checkout Mexico's protected southern border).

To say that Democrats are close-minded is an understatement. Democrats segregate people into predetermined groups. If you don't fit into one of their predetermined groups, they spew their vitriol at you. For example, a black person with conservative values is automatically labeled an "Uncle Tom" or a "self-hater" by leftist Democrats. Hispanic-Amercians that believe in American Exceptionalism are called "low-information morons" and "racists."

Leftists have zero tolerance for anyone that doesn't march in lockstep with their racist/segregationist ideas.

It's racist to assume that people of a certain race should all think the same, or even have similar political views.

It's bigoted and discriminatory to assume that people of a certain minority group or social group should all think the same way, or even have the same political leanings.


Why do Democrats promote racism and discrimination?

The entire platform of the Democratic Party is dependent upon racism and discrimination. They need Americans to be constantly divided against each other based on race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and sexual orientation. If Americans would unite as one people, the Democratic Party would completely fall apart and cease to exist. There would be no need for their initiatives. The Democratic Party would go broke, and Democrat politicians would be out of a job. They can't have that! This is one reason why Democrat politicians and their associated media outlets constantly breed racism, discrimination, and unfairness.

(There's also a bigger, more important, reason, but it's beyond the scope of this article. In short, a country of divided people is weaker and therefore easier to control. A divided country is easier to force into the North American Union.)


How do Democrats promote racism and discrimination?

Democrats create an illusion that we're living in the past. Democrats pretend that we're living in the pre-Civil Rights era. They pretend that minorities don't get enough special treatment. They pretend that women don't have rights, or something. Democrats constantly try to victimize non-victims. Hillary Clinton actually says, repeatedly, to her audiences during her Presidential campaign speeches, that the goal of Republicans is to stop black people from voting.

To keep these illusions going, Democrat politicians work in tandem with their associated main stream media to spit all kinds of lies at the American people. For example, Democrat politicians constantly tell their audiences that they've been held back because of their skin color. Well, the middle class, as a whole, is financially worse off today than it was in 1989. But this isn't because of their skin color. The highest income earners in the U.S. are dark-skinned Indians (from India), so it's a flat-out lie that skin color is holding them back. Democrats push this lie to brainwash dark-skinned people into voting Democrat. But, all Democrat talking points are complete lies and total BS.

Democrat lies have the double benefit of dividing Americans and also keeping them pseudo-dependent upon more government special treatment. As long as different groups want special treatment, the Democratic Party will thrive. As long as Americans have animosity towards fake/perceived discrimination, the Democratic Party will thrive. So they keep pushing the skin color lie.

When their lies don't work, the Democrats simply ridicule minorities and others who choose to think for themselves. When "divide and conquer" doesn't work, Democrats resort to vicious name-calling. Democrats stand on nothing but lies, ridicule, and name-calling.


How do Democrats promote unfairness?

The leftist Democrat platform is based upon giving special treatment to certain groups at the expense of other groups. All of their initiatives are different forms of "Affirmative Action" which make advancement and success dependent upon external factors, such as skin color, rather than internal qualities, such as intelligence and good attitude.

These initiatives are perfect examples of unfairness, and more Americans are noticing this. Regardless of how the main stream media tries to shove lies down our throat, middle class families see the truth around their neighborhoods, everyday. The middle class see the reality that the leftist agenda of giving special treatment to others has left the middle class behind. They work 50 to 60+ hours a week and still can't afford to send their kids to college, while their illegal neighbors get free college (this is taking place, at least, in the sanctuary city of Miami, FL). How is that fair?

True fairness would be to treat everyone as equals without giving special treatment to any one group.

Don't expect Democrat politicians to treat anyone fairly. In a Democrat’s mind, Donald Trump is dangerous for wanting to secure our country’s border against violent law-breakers, but Islamic State terrorists are peaceful and misunderstood people. This is not only an unfair idea, it's lunacy. It's backwards.

Democrat politicians are always pushing these unfair ideas every chance they get. Every press conference is another chance for them to push their unfair, lunatic ideas. The more unfairness they create, the longer their party will thrive.


The Truth About Democrat Racism

Of course, Democrat politicians know that their platform is based on lies. Every single race-baiting Democrat politician knows that dark-skinned Indians make more money, for example. But, they perpetuate their lies in order to keep the Democratic Party alive. The Democratic Party cannot survive without their lies that promote racism and discrimination.

Every time Americans begin to unite behind one common cause that affects ALL AMERICANS, the Democratic Party shivers in fear and begins attacking our unity by pitting us against each other with lies. They create animosity. They love riots. They shamelessly put all of their energy into the "divide and conquer" tactic.

Americans should figure this out.

Without division and animosity among us, there would be no need for the Democratic Party. But, they're not going to give up their power, jobs, or money. The Democratic party will block every attempt of Americans to unite.

Image Credit: Cartoon by Rob Smith, Jr.

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