Hillary Clinton is no champion for women or girls. While Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, she repeatedly refused requests by the FBI, CIA, and the Department of Justice to designate Boko Haram as a terrorist group. An article from Fury News explains:
As Boko Haram began to ramp up its operation of terror in 2011-2012, Hillary Clinton continually obstructed the official terror designation of the group over the objections of Congress, the FBI, the CIA and the Justice Department. Despite hard evidence of the group’s aggressive posture in Nigeria and many supporters of the designation, Hillary Clinton simply denied that they were a terrorist organization.
Boko Haram, the Nigerian-based Islamic terrorist group that gained international notoriety when it kidnapped 276 school girls from the town of Chibok back in April 2014. Also during that year, they are responsible for 6,644 deaths while ISIS only claimed 6,073 during the same time frame. It is hard to imagine why Hillary Clinton would refuse calling them a terrorist organization.
It all makes sense when you realize that Hillary Clinton has a long history of granting favors to those who make large donations to the Clinton Foundation. (This practice of using power as a public servant to grant favors to those who pay is illegal.)
The two important donors to the Clinton Foundation in this case are Gilbert Chagoury (Nigerian magnate) and Kase Lawal.
Kase Lawal, a powerful Nigerian, had a vested interest in keeping Bosco Ntaganda, and essentially Boko Haram, out of trouble.
The other Clinton Foundation donor is Gilbert Chagoury. As a Nigerian businessman and land developer, Gilbert Chagoury had a stake in preventing Boko Haram being designated a Foreign Terrorist Organization.
Each of these powerful Nigerians had their own interest in keeping Boko Haran off the terror list. (Read more about this from the World News Group.)
This story is not surprising given Hillary Clinton's long history of being cold and unfeeling regarding the plight of women (exhibit A).
What is surprising is, how can the supporters of Hillary Clinton believe that she is a champion for women or girls when she has a long history of cashing in when women are being silenced, oppressed, kidnapped, violated, raped, and/or killed?
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